Event Information

Python Crash Courses: Basics

The Python Crash Courses workshop series has two components: Basics (covered in the first two sessions) and Intro to Data (covered in the following three sessions). The entire series uses the Anaconda distribution of Python. Those interested in attending all five Python Crash Courses should register for both Basics and Intro to Data.  

The Python Crash Courses: Basics introduces basic concepts in the Python programming language such as object types, base Python data structures, file paths, and flow control (if statements & for-loops) using the Anaconda distribution of Python. We'll work through some applied examples. 

Basics is appropriate for absolute beginners or those interested in a review. After attending Basics, beginners can continue with Intro to Data, which introduces fundamental tools for working with tabular data in Python such as Jupyter Notebooks, markdown, Pandas, and data visualization packages.  

Those with a good understanding of Python fundamentals may want to skip the Basics and take only Intro to Data.


This workshop is offered by University Libraries and will be led by librarians Phil McDaniel, Lorin Bruckner, Michele Hayslett, and Matt Jansen, along with Mark Reed from ITS Research Computing. 

Dates & Times:
1:00pm - 2:00pm, Thursday, March 24, 2022
1:00pm - 2:00pm, Thursday, March 31, 2022
Davis Library Research Hub
Lorin Bruckner, Michele Hayslett, Matt Jansen & Philip McDaniel
Classes and Workshops  
Registration has closed. (This event has to be booked as part of a series)


Profile photo of Lorin Bruckner
Lorin Bruckner

Email: lorin.bruckner@unc.edu
Make an appointment from Lorin's profile page.

Profile photo of Matt Jansen
Matt Jansen

Email: mtjansen@email.unc.edu
Make an appointment from Matt's profile page.

Profile photo of Michele Hayslett
Michele Hayslett

Email: michele_hayslett@unc.edu
Make an appointment from Michele's profile page.

Profile photo of Philip McDaniel
Philip McDaniel

Email: pmmcdani@email.unc.edu
Make an appointment from Phil's profile page.

Profile photo of Library Data Services
Library Data Services