Event Information

Digital South Panel Series presents: Exhibiting North Carolina Black History

The Digital South is a project of the University Libraries that aims to foster collaborative and meaningful engagement between scholars that are using digital methods to study the American South. With these aims in mind, we are excited to have three panels this semester. Each panel will consist of two or more scholars sharing about their projects and answering questions from a moderator and the audience. Panel topics are concerned with histories of oppression and resistance in the South while exploring a wide range of available digital methodologies.

In this program, panelists will discuss North Carolina Black History. 

Presentation on the Penn Papers Exhibit 

Chaitra Powell - Curator of the Southern Historical Collection at Wilson Special Collections Library 

Brianna McGruder - MSLS Candidate at the School of Information and Library Science and Carolina Academic Library Associate at Wilson Special Collections Library

North Carolina Black Feminism 

Antonia Randolph - Assistant Professor of American Studies at UNC 

Register for the virtual panel here.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Friends of the Library   Lectures, Readings and Talks  


Profile photo of Karina Soni
Karina Soni