Event Information

Introduction to Embase

This online class will cover the basics of literature searching in Embase. This class is intended for students, faculty, or staff unfamiliar with Embase along with those who want a more insight into using Embase's advanced features. Participants will learn to navigate the database and conduct various types of literature searches in Embase.

This workshop is offered by the University Libraries Health Sciences Library and led by Emma Barrett-Catton

This workshop is being offered remotely via Zoom only. Registrants will receive a Zoom link; those on the waitlist will not receive a Zoom link unless they are bumped up to a registered spot.

Related LibGuide: Searching Embase by Rebecca Carlson, MLS, AHIP

Friday, March 21, 2025
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Health Sciences Library
Emma Barrett-Catton
Classes and Workshops  

Registration is required. There are 45 seats available.


Emma Barrett-Catton